About Sam

This website is a collection of my stories. They are stories from my life, and stories about Peace Corps in Africa, where I was a woodworking teacher in a high school, and of my adventures in Mexico where for 20 years, I mentored teenage girls, and paid their school fees, and tried to teach them how to take charge of their own life, and get thru school without getting pregnant. Some of them are just my stories about me.  It mostly began in Africa, where I ran into kids that just needed a little confidence, and patience, to start to take control of their lives. Later, when I started running the projects in Mexico, I encountered kids there who could benefit from a little mentoring. Tho the subjects of my stories are random, I try to make them interesting and often funny. I hope you enjoy them. Forgive me that right now they are just a mixed list of stories, mostly in the order that I wrote them. I hope to go through them and organize them into similar groups of themes. But for now, I am concentrating on getting them written.

Click the links below, to see the stories

Born in the Paleolithic Era, someplace cold. Lives in Austin, Texas Y’all

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